The fascinating insight into the aspects related to the pharaoh’s death opens with the mummification process, retracing all the meticulous stages until the mummy is ready for burial after a solemn procession to its final resting place.
In the tomb, the complex ritual of the ‘opening of the mouth’ is performed to allow the deceased pharaoh to recover his senses in the afterlife.
The experience ends with Tutankhamun’s rebirth as Howard Carter discovers his almost inviolate tomb.

The pharaoh’s body is duly prepared according to rituals thousands of years old to withstand the ravages of time through the laborious process of mummification. Then, in a majestic procession, it is accompanied across the desert to the tomb.

Before lowering the mummy into the sarcophagus, the successor, Ay proceeds with a very elaborate ritual of declaiming arcane formulas, ideally allowing Tutankhamun to recover his senses’ integrity.

Tutankhamun’s parable ends after a resting period of more than three millennia with the rebirth of his name that came to international fame with the discovery in 1922 of his tomb full of precious artefacts.